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At Rituals for Recovery (RfR), we promote mind-body wellness and social-emotional learning (SEL) by creating transformative spaces for communities, schools, and workplaces. Our mission is to educate and train professionals, leaders, and educators to become trauma-responsive, fostering a culture of care, inclusion, and empowerment within their organizations.

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Community Training

S.T.A.R.: Support, Trauma Advocacy, & Response (GBV/IPV) 

Become a Trained Trauma Responsive Care Advocate

At the heart of our mission is the empowerment of individuals to become trained advocates for survivors of (GBV) Gender-Based Violence and Intimate Partner Violence (IPV). Supporting survivors requires a deep understanding of trauma and its profound impact on individuals and communities. 

This community-based training program brings together non-profits, social service organizations, law enforcement, healthcare professionals, educators and community advocates to collaboratively support survivors, raise awareness, and promote prevention. 

Our trauma-responsive approach ensures that all participants are equipped with the knowledge, skills, and tools necessary to provide compassionate, survivor-centered care while advocating for meaningful change in their communities.

This multi-level, community-oriented program allows different stakeholders to learn together and develop a shared, trauma-responsive approach to IPV advocacy. By becoming trained in trauma responsive care, you can make a significant difference in creating a safer community and helping survivors on their journey to recovery.

Workplace Training

R.I.S.E. stands for Resilience, Inclusion, Safety, and Empowerment, forming the core of our approach to creating trauma-responsive workplaces.

The R.I.S.E. program empowers organizations to embed trauma-informed practices that promote resilience, inclusion, and safety while supporting both employees and survivors of trauma. This comprehensive framework addresses key areas such as trauma-informed leadership, workplace policies, and the creation of supportive, harassment-free environments.
L.E.A.D. Initiative
The L.E.A.D. Initiative—standing for Leadership, Empathy, Advocacy, and Development—is designed specifically for workplace leaders aiming to foster trauma-responsive leadership. This program enhances leadership competencies, advocates for trauma-informed policies, and creates a culture of empathy and understanding within organizations.
By offering both the R.I.S.E. program and the L.E.A.D. Initiative, organizations can choose a comprehensive approach to embed trauma-informed practices throughout their culture or focus specifically on developing empathetic and informed leadership.

School Training

G.R.O.W. Program: Nurturing Trauma-Responsive Learning Spaces

G.R.O.W. stands for Guidance, Resilience, Outreach, and Well-being. It emphasizes nurturing trauma-responsive learning spaces by focusing on building resilience, well-being, and providing guidance through outreach and trauma-informed practices in educational settings. 
The G.R.O.W. Program: Nurturing Trauma-Responsive Learning Spaces is designed to build resilience and enhance well-being in educational settings through trauma-informed practices and community outreach. As part of the Trauma Responsive Schools (TRS) initiative, G.R.O.W. focuses on equipping schools with the tools and knowledge to create safe, inclusive, and supportive environments for students and staff. 
The program offers a holistic approach to addressing the impact of trauma by providing tailored consulting services for trauma-responsive programming and change management, and implementing prevention and trauma-responsive frameworks through policy development. 
In addition, G.R.O.W. promotes awareness and response training for school-site faculty and staff to recognize and respond to trauma in students. The program also fosters student empowerment through Rituals for Recovery Student Clubs and provides leadership and intervention services for youth. Moreover, it offers Trauma Responsive Mind-Body Wellness (TRMBW™) and SEL Educational Workshops to support students, educators, parents, and caregivers in cultivating trauma-responsive learning environments.
Continued support is provided through the Rituals for Recovery Online Membership Portal, ensuring that schools can sustain these practices long-term. Together, these components create a nurturing, trauma-responsive space where students can thrive emotionally, socially, and academically.

What our clients have to say

"I embarked on this program with the intention of helping others, but it quickly became apparent that this program was going to provide me with the healing I required first, in order to help others." I want to extend a heartfelt thank you to Amanda, the expert instructors, and all the other people involved that have made this program accessible. Their dedication, passion, support and knowledge are evidence that healing trauma (in all forms) is essential and possible for all individuals, families, communities and the collective as a whole. I would highly recommend this program it is most transforming. I now view my life and others through a trauma informed lens. 

Sue Utley

"A light bulb went off in my head the week Amanda pointed out that the question to ask is not “What is wrong with this person”, but rather “What happened to this person” which switches it from judgment to compassion " . I am inspired to share this magic with the world and work with the Military Families to help make a difference. I highly recommend this course for anyone who wants to become empowered to change their life and to help others to do the same. 

Melodie Souter

"You have no idea how much your organization has changed and shaped my life. It’s hard to find the words to say “thank you” appropriately."

Erin H

I had a wonderful experience participating in the TRMBW Rituals for Recovery program! There was a wide range of valuable information in a variety of areas relevant to trauma, all of which were very informative, and the instructors were very knowledgeable, supportive and inspiring. It is hard to choose highlights of the program for me, as altogether I found the information to be helpful. I will be putting everything I have learned into practice-not only with clients, but for myself! I particularly found the lessons on EFT tapping, yin and restorative yoga, and information on Ayurvedic diet very helpful/interesting.  
From March to June 2023 I completed my practicum, offering a 12 week Trauma-Informed Somatic Healing program in my community. The program was well-received by participants, and I was very grateful for the level of support I was given alongside this journey. I look forward to continuing to use all of the mind-body wellness tools and teachings I have learned with my clients moving forward. 

Cheryl Hanley

Fundamentals for Trauma Recovery

Course: 1                      

The Trauma Epidemic: Understanding Trauma & it's Widespread Impact (20 Hours)

The purpose of this course is to broaden and enhance individual knowledge on how trauma manifests and the impact it has on our lives. Becoming trauma-informed allows us to understand why we think, feel, and behave the way we do. It also empowers us to navigate our way back to resilience and wellbeing.

Course 2: 

Trauma Responsive Mind-Body Wellness (TRMBW) & SEL Foundations (20 Hours)

The purpose of this course is to introduce you to the skills required to become trauma responsive and tools needed to heal, grow, learn, and thrive. Informed by trauma research and backed by scientific studies you will gain insight into the RfR Method, a Trauma Responsive Mind Body Wellness model and somatic-based approach to healing the whole-SEL-F from trauma, stress, and other universal mental health challenges.

Course 3: 

Somatic Healing Journey of SEL(F) 

(25 Hours)

“We can only support others through the depths of their psyche to the degree that we've dived into our own.” Prioritizing our emotional health allows for strengthening resiliency to bounce back from life circumstances and builds positive life experiences.

At this retreat you will experience an opportunity to transform your inner self through the teaching of trauma responsive mind body wellness.  TRMBW™ is the gateway to optimal health, resilience, and empathy!


TRMBW™ & SEL Somatic Healing Teacher Certification